WANTED: Planning mystery detectives of all types including planners, engineers, analysts, modelers, psychologists, researchers, + pedestrians.
Report in person to: Workshop • Sunday, January 8, 2017 • 9 AM – 12 PM • TRB
Discuss online: Here, when the individual mysteries are announced, or on Twitter #trbanalyzethis
Our world is changing and so are the questions being asked by companies, planners, and decision-makers. Help us solve some of the newly released planning mysteries on the non-fiction best seller list by participating in “Analyze This!” an interactive TRB workshop.
We selected three problems from dozens of submissions that range from corporate, local, and regional in scope and require a diversity of expertise to solve. Working in small, problem specific teams, workshop participants will develop a strategy to share with the audience, compare and evaluate their peers, and then collectively develop some next steps and potential research directions.
A 2017 TRB Annual Meeting Workshop that puts timely planning problems in front of willing teams of analysts to come up with solutions